We have created a network of professional development opportunities to ensure all our staff are highly effective and that strong leadership pathways are in place. We have a strong induction process in place, high quality CPD for teachers new to the profession and leadership CPD for staff at every level.
Leadership Development Days
Our Headteacher Group have opportunities to meet regularly to share good practice but also come together for a Leadership development day every half term. We also have development days for our Deputy and Assistant Headteachers where we focus on research and best practice.
Coaching and Supervision
We offer all our senior leaders coaching opportunities every term and also supervision for key roles. This is an important part of our development for leaders and contributes to our culture of support.
Peer Review
We carry out peer reviews across each others’ schools focusing on an area through an enquiry question. This method of school improvement is highly effective in developing the skills of our leaders in quality assurance.
Network support
Individual networks take place every half term to support improvement and development in key areas such as the Early Years, SEND and Digital Champions. We also have bespoke networks to work on projects across the Trust.
Curriculum leaders in individual subjects have formed working networks so that they can collaboratively develop the Trust curriculum model, learning from each other, sharing the workload and avoiding duplication.
Inclusion Team
Our team work collaboratively across our schools to support with best practice when challenges arise. They provide training for leaders and staff across all aspects of inclusion and also offer group consultation sessions.
Governor Development
Local Governing Boards have access to a range of training and development that supports them in their role as well as the half termly chairs network attended by all chairs. We tailor training to specific need and areas such as Responsibilities under the Equality act, Pupil Premium funding and data analysis have been delivered so far this year.
Due Diligence- Quality Assurance
At least once a year each Headteacher and a number of senior leaders are given the opportunity to take part in a two day due diligence of one of our schools. These due diligences are led either by an external experienced Ofsted inspector or by our School Improvement Partner. Not only are these due diligences developmental for the school, they are also opportunities for school leaders to further develop good practice within their own settings.
For further details of the CPD opportunities provided by the Trust please click on our Prospectus or Annual Impact Report